Embedded Components in PCBs

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We are now embedding components in PCBs

At GSPK, we pride ourselves on delivering sophisticated and innovative PCB solutions tailored to our customers' needs. With a technique and little more sophisticated than this image suggests, one of the latest trends is embedding semiconductor dies and CoolMOS packages directly into the PCBs.

Customers have highlighted several key advantages of this approach:

  • Reduction of parasitic inductances
    Embedding components minimises parasitic inductance and capacitance associated with traditional surface-mount packaging, enhancing signal integrity.
  • Improved EMI performance
    The proximity of embedded components can lead to lower electromagnetic emissions, improving the overall electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the device.
  • Enhanced utilisation of the devices' voltage capabilities
    With shorter interconnections and better control over the geometry of the embedded components, crosstalk between signal lines can be significantly reduced.
  • Miniaturisation
    Embedding allows for a more compact and densely packed PCB design, reducing the overall size and weight of the final product. Not just using the PCBs surface area offers higher component density and more complex circuitry in a given footprint. This is particularly beneficial in applications where space is at a premium, such as in mobile devices and aerospace applications.
Embedded electronic component directly in pcb

Embedding electronic components directly into PCBs can lead to improved electrical and thermal performance, increased reliability, reduced size and weight, higher component density, manufacturing efficiency, design flexibility, noise reduction, and potential cost savings. These advantages make it an attractive approach for modern electronics design, particularly in high-performance and space-constrained applications.

At GSPK we have seamlessly integrated this cutting-edge technique into our portfolio of production methods. While NDAs prevent us from disclosing specific customer projects, our Technical Sales Team is always ready to discuss how we can apply these advancements to your applications.

Contact us today to explore the potential of embedded components for your PCB needs