Conflict Minerals Declaration

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Conflict Minerals Declaration

GSPK Circuits Limited has approached its major suppliers to express our concern about this issue and to request information about their efforts to source components that are conflict free.

  1. All the major suppliers will be informed regarding the requirement of using conflict free minerals due to The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, signed by President Obama on July 21,
  2. GSPK will carry out supply chain due diligence with major suppliers in reference to the
  3. Daleba will use the EICC-GeSI due diligence tool to communicate across our supply chain.
  4. We ask our major suppliers to cooperate with us in our efforts to procure of non-conflict minerals. GSPK Circuits Limited will continue to work with our suppliers to help them understand the issues around Conflict Minerals and to ensure the origin of the metals in components and materials are derived from Conflict Free mines and smelters

EICC-GeSI's Conflict-free Smelter Program: